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Entrepreneurship Education
Volume 5, Issue 2
《创业教育》(Entrepreneurship Education)2022年第2期正式发刊。
该刊由联合国教科文组织569vip威尼斯登录首页创业教育教席主持人、联合国教科文组织中国创业教育联盟主席徐小洲教授担任主编,联合国教科文组织终身学习研究所前所长阿恩·卡尔森(Arne Carlsen)担任副主编。我院常务副院长阚阅教授担任执行主编。编委会成员来自美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚、韩国、丹麦、印度、克罗地亚等国高校及相关单位。
Original Research Articles
The Online Promotion of University Entrepreneurship Centres
Donna Heslin, Creso Sa
Entrepreneurship centres are increasingly common on university campuses, but their organizational survival depends on their ability to continuously secure resources and support from a range of internal and external stakeholders. Like other non-departmental centres and institutes in universities, the ability of such units to survive and thrive depends on their legitimacy. This study examined how entrepreneurship centres use online promotion through websites and social media as part of their efforts to ascertain their status and standing. Drawing on qualitative data from interviews with entrepreneurship centre leaders at 12 universities located in a range of settings across Canada, and an analysis of websites and Twitter feeds, this study identifies multiple relevant patterns. There is a clear gap between the principles of strategic communications espoused by centre leadership and actual practice. Further, entrepreneurship centres use social media to broadcast promotional messages that resonate with broader university and social values, but do not leverage interactivity tools and possibilities. Their promotional efforts foreground images of success and positive experiences associated to entrepreneurial learning. While there is overlap in the stakeholders they consider important for their promotional efforts, centres located in large metropolitan areas differed from their counterparts in smaller cities in their external outlook. As entrepreneurship centres tend to remain reliant on contingent support from multiple sources, more intentional efforts to communicate their attributes and achievements might be fruitful.
Characteristics of effective entrepreneurship education post-COVID-19 in New Zealand primary and secondary schools: a Delphi study
Bethany Hardie, Kerry Lee & Camilla Highfield
This study was designed to investigate the perceptions of experts regarding the characteristics of effective entrepreneurship education in New Zealand primary and secondary schools. The aim of the study was to inform future policies, curriculum review and decision-making regarding entrepreneurial projects that were effective in the mainstream compulsory schooling sector. Using snowball sampling, 28 local entrepreneurship experts were recruited to participate in a Delphi Study. Through successive rounds, these participants established consensus on current and relevant characteristics of an effective entrepreneurship education primary and secondary school. The collective consensus determined seven characteristics for effective entrepreneurship education, centred around student learning approaches. Findings support curriculum planning focussed on creating authentic, action orientated projects or problem solving, strategies to foster entrepreneurship knowledge, skills and capabilities, seeking mentors or role models from the community, and the incorporation of financial literacy and business activities. These findings provide a basis for the successful development of New Zealand’s curricula for entrepreneurship education and enhanced entrepreneurship projects.
Uncovering dominant characteristics for entrepreneurial intention and success in the last decade: systematic literature review
TrysonYangailo& Abubaker Qutieshat
This study presents a systematic literature review to identify dominant characteristics that predict entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial success in the twenty-first century. The aim was to provide insights to entrepreneurs, academicians, policy makers, counsellors and all those charged with the responsibility of entrepreneurship development. The study applied a systematic review of the literature contained in the two databases, namely Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar. The analysis of the literature identified self-efficacy, conscientiousness, locus of control, need for achievement and innovativeness as the indisputably and unarguably key top personal characteristics that predict both entrepreneurial intention and guarantee entrepreneurial success. The study also finds that characteristics that predict entrepreneurial intention also guarantee entrepreneurial success. The review of the existing literature shows that there are gaps in it. For example, there are not many countries where studies have been done in the area of interest, and the research methods used in those studies are not balanced because they are mostly quantitative. The major contribution of the study was the identification of key dominant personal characteristics that predict both entrepreneurial intention and lead to entrepreneurial success in today’s dynamic environment. The other key contribution is stages, methodology and the analysis that can be replicated and employed by other researchers (scholars and practitioners) to conduct other studies or better still, similar studies in the future.
Mediation roles of pedagogical approaches and personality traits in entrepreneurial curriculum design and entrepreneurial intention nexus
Victor FannamNunfamEbenezer Afrifa-YamoahAkanganngang Joseph Asitik
Planned behaviour theory was used in a path analysis modelling to investigate the serial mediation role of teaching methods and personality traits (locus of control, need for achievement and entrepreneurial attitude) in the relationship between entrepreneurship curriculum and entrepreneurial intention among university students in Ghana. A proposed 40-item instrument was used to measure outcomes for six constructs (3 personality trait constructs, entrepreneurship curriculum, teaching methods and entrepreneurial intention) for 324 participants. Acceptable convergent, divergent and construct validity scores were observed for the instrument. Teaching methods fully mediated the first-order relationships between entrepreneurial curriculum and each personality traits. The three constructs of personality traits parallelly mediated the second-order relationship between teaching methods and entrepreneurial intention. Teaching methods and each personality trait serially mediated the relationship between entrepreneurial curriculum and entrepreneurial intention. This empirical evidence provides insight into the design of pragmatic interventions by major stakeholders including entrepreneurship educators to inspire students into start-up activities.
Book Review:
Xiaozhou Xu (eds): Responding to social change: innovation and entrepreneurship education in China
Zengyu Jiang
There is a broad international consensus on the importance of innovation and entrepreneurship education as a contributor to economic development. Responding to Social Change: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in China is a systematic study of the concept, international comparisons, talent cultivation, entrepreneurial ecosystem construction and institutional safeguards of innovation and entrepreneurship education, which is significant for educational reform and social change.
Electronic ISSN:2520-8152, Print ISSN:2520-8144